I want to re-visit the “dog body shake” because I rarely see it discussed anywhere else.
I’m curious, do you think dogs consciously use the “body shake” or the “collar scratch” to break from a stay position? Or, is this always a subconscious thing?
I think a lot of of the time the body shake is a subconscious way to ease or avoid anxiety (Oh, back from a walk – phew! Time to relax!). but I think it can also be a behavior the pet dog learns to use to his advantage to avoid doing something.
What the heck is the ‘dog body shake?’
The “dog body shake” is when a pet dog shakes his whole body as though he’s getting out of the water, but really he’s already dry. It’s typically used when a pet dog is transitioning from one thing to another (done playing, time to relax) or to ease minor anxiety (meeting that pet dog was fun, time to relax).
If you think about it, you probably do you own version of the body shake to ease some minor anxiety or to transition from one thing to another. For example, when I reach the starting line of a race I’ll do a little body shake to transition into racing mode. Or, after I return from meeting someone new I might let out an audible sigh which actually involves loosening any tension, nearly like a “body shake.”
For me, and I think for dogs, these types of actions are subconscious. I do not choose to sigh after meeting someone new. Solo pasa. My pet dog does not choose to “shake it off” after passing another pet dog on a walk. Solo pasa.
What about when a pet dog uses the body shake to break from stay?
The best example of this is an obedience class. If you observe the other owners in a class, especially in a beginner’s class, you will see them place their dogs into the sit position when asked by the trainer. After being placed in a sit, it’s nearly guaranteed a few of the dogs will scratch themselves around the collar or do a little body shake and pop ideal back up. “¡¿Que sigue?!”
I think this reaction is subconscious for the majority of these dogs. They’re still learning what to do. The class environment is stressful or at least exciting to a lot of of them. They may or may not have serviced the sit command at home. They probably haven’t learned that “sit” indicates “sit and remain sitting until I release you.”
But then, there is always a pet dog in class who seems to have learned he can control his owner with these moves. For example, the owner will tell her pet dog to sit, and the pet dog right away shakes his body and begins sniffing something on the ground. The owner then waits patiently for the pet dog to stop sniffing, which could take minutes, and then asks the pet dog to sit again.
Or, the owner asks her pet dog to heel, and right away the pet dog sits down and drastically scratches around her collar for a good 45 seconds. Then, as the owner waits patiently, the pet dog does an Oscar-winning body shake and then decides to heel.
I’m not saying this is downright “deviant” behavior, but to me it’s a pretty clear signal that the pet dog is saying “I will do this on my own terms. Muchísimas gracias.”
So, if you’re aware this is happening with your own pet dog and you don’t really care, that’s fine. But if you want your pet dog to listen to you, then stop waiting around and instead just make it happen.
You don’t have to worry about being – God forbid! – dominante. just make him do what you asked. If you told your pet dog to sit, put him in a sit position. I don’t care how you do it. just make it happen. If you told your pet dog to heel, then start walking. Tug on the leash if you want. use treats if you want. just walk and get your pet dog to follow.
And the truth comes out. Ace is outsmarting me!
So, what is happening when Ace breaks from a stay position in a low-stress, non-challenging situation by shaking his body and then walking up to me?
I have to say, he’s beating me in chess.
I think he’s maybe a bit bored and absolutely testing my limits just like some of those young dogs in beginning obedience class.
To me, it seems like Ace is pushing the limits to see what he can get away with (quite a lot, lately!). As he’s gotten older, he’s absolutely learned to neglect me more, and I’ll be the first to admit it’s because I’m much much easier on him now than I used to be. I don’t really care when he breaks from stay in the living room.
To do this, he does the body shake and then walks up to me swaying his tail and body in a relaxed, submissive way. I’m sure he’s responding to my expression and body language that says “Oh you did something wrong but you’re cute anyway.” So I’m absolutely satisfying and encouraging the behavior. Imagínate. I’m just being sincere here.
Do I want a perFect, rock-sólido, obediente perro? Realmente no. Así que estoy un poco flojo con mis reglas, y mi perro lo sabe.
No asuma que el batido del cuerpo es un comportamiento desviado.
Quiero ansiedad porque la mayoría de las veces, el batido del cuerpo del perro mascota es un comportamiento subconsciente debido a que el perro de mascotas se siente estresado o abrumado. Es muy crucial ser consciente de esto para que podamos eliminar a nuestros perros de las situaciones estresantes o ayudarlos a aprender a hacer frente.
Por ejemplo, mi perro mascota se sacudirá el cuerpo en el parque de perros de mascotas si un perro más joven lo está molestando. El perro mascota más joven y de mayor energía podría seguir saltando al Ace o mordisqueando, y Ace se sacudirá e intentará alejarse. Si bien un gruñido o un chasquido mejoraría su punto de vista mejor, aprecio que mi perro mascota generalmente no recurra a gruñir. Puedo ayudarlo aquí al notar cuándo se siente estresado e interviniendo.
En esta situación, probablemente distraería al perro mascota más joven o podría alentar a Ace a jugar si parece que solo necesita un poco de aliento. O bien, podría ser mejor llevar a mi perro mascota y alejarse, que normalmente es lo que hago. Si Ace no parece querer jugar, no lo obligo a jugar.
Mucho más conscientes de que somos como propietarios, mejor. Sé que se podrían evitar muchas peleas y peleas de perros de mascotas si los propietarios supieran disfrutar y reconocer estas sugerencias “sutiles” que en realidad son bastante evidentes si sabes qué buscar.
Aquí está mi lista de letreros un perro mascota está estresado.
Pero realmente quiero saber de usted sobre este tema.
1. ¿Su perro mascota hace el “batido del cuerpo”?
2. ¿Parece ser algo subconsciente?
3. ¿Alguna vez su perro de mascota parece decidir a propósito hacer el batido del cuerpo para evitar hacer algo?
4. ¿Alguna vez tu perro se ha sacudido el cuerpo cuando se siente estresado o abrumado?
¡Hágamelo saber! ¿Tu perro le sacude el cuerpo?